Presentation of the FORCE network
FORCE (French Obesity Research Centre of Excellence) is the national clinical research network specialising in the study of obesity and related metabolic diseases.
We have been labelled a "Network of Excellence" by the F-CRIN (French Clinical Research Infrastructure Network).
Our network brings together researchers, clinical specialists and leaders, creating a unique community of experts in the field of obesity and related diseases in France.
Our mission :
- Structuring clinical research in order to position itself at European level and to develop practices and define a scientific strategy for clinical research.
- Providing support during the scientific, legal, regulatory, financial and coordination phases of setting up projects.
- Project coordination
- Linking up the various partners and creating a research community, for example by organising partnerships with other networks and research units.
- Communication and dissemination to the general public and professionals.
- Carrying out a scientific watch and monitoring funding agencies calls for proposals and thematic agendas.
- Steering the national harmonisation of clinical practices and developing new innovative diagnostic tools.
- Supporting/managing "à la carte" clinical research projects:

Our expertise:
Our main objective is to develop clinical research in order to improve preventive and therapeutic strategies in the field of obesity and related pathologies.
To achieve this, we offer sponsors and investigators a unique national working environment, at the interface between pre-clinical research units and clinical services, thus encouraging the development of research projects (translational and clinical) and the production of new scientific and medical knowledge in the field of obesity and related metabolic diseases.
Thanks to its expertise and that of its partners, FORCE offers many advantages for the development and conduct of national and international clinical trials:
- A dense territorial network guaranteeing high recruitment capacity.
- Harmonised clinical practices between the different centres at national and European level.
- Harmonised data collection to facilitate data sharing and re-use.
- Expert advice coordinating national and international programmes of excellence in the field.
FORCE is also a partner of the ECRIN Nutrition Hub, a gateway to Europe for investigators and sponsors wishing to conduct international trials.
Thanks to its range of expertise, the FORCE network can be called upon at every stage of research: from design to implementation of clinical studies.
Main support offered:
Scientific and methodological expertise (development of new concepts and original experimental designs).
- Assistance with coordination at key stages of the project.
- Research and networking of partners at national and European level.
- Feasibility studies within the network.
- Administrative and technical/regulatory support (budget, support with regulatory procedures, facilitating the signing of agreements in the centres, etc.).
- Optimising recruitment and monitoring inclusions.

Management of a national network of 37 Specialist Obesity Centres (including 26 University Hospital Centres), with detailed knowledge of their expertise/skills/equipment :

Link with other F-CRIN networks :

Poster of the FORCE network :

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